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Our mission & our values
Your film producer & video marketer in Switzerland
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youstream GmbH Zurich | about us | goals | values | strengths

Introducing our team

Video production and video marketing at the highest level are the two pillars of our business. We make your company more successful with our videos – that is our aspiration.

To make this possible, many people work for you behind the scenes. Our well-coordinated team of experienced videographers, creative copywriters, experienced editors, marketing and SEO experts do everything they can to bring your message to your audience in the best possible way. The end result is always outstanding; we're not satisfied with anything less.

Creative Director
Rafael Gschwend
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Rafael Gschwend
Creative Director

I was lucky enough to attend Vancouver Film School. There I was given the right tools to pursue my creative profession. Highlights of my career were the All of it Video Award, the 360-degree Video Award and placing in the top 10 of the ZFF 72 short film competition.

Was ich an meinem Job bei youstream liebe:

I really appreciate the motivation of the team: At youstream, everyone always tries to achieve the maximum.

Das ist mein Tick:

When I have sweets, I eat them all at once and don't save anything for later.

Production & Post-Production
Billy Whitfield
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Billy Whitfield
Production & Post-Production

During my film studies in Zurich, I discovered my passion for production and post-production. Since then, I'm always evolving and love to learn and apply new camera, lighting, sound and editing techniques. As much as I am interested in technology, my motto remains: "story over everything".

Was ich an meinem Job bei youstream liebe:

I love the diversity as well as the varied work, no two video projects are alike. I also appreciate the collegial teamwork and the exchange among each other.

Das ist mein Tick:

I hum while I eat ...

Sound Designer
Dejan Pantner
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Dejan Pantner
Sound Designer

I discovered early on that for me the magic lies in sounds. Especially when they come along harmoniously, as in the form of music. It's really amazing how you can evoke feelings with sounds - without saying a single word. Over the years, with a lot of enthusiasm and and countless experiments, I have managed to pursue my passion as a profession.

Was ich an meinem Job bei youstream liebe:

Every production is the result of the collaboration of many creative minds. Everyone at youstream does their part, but our customers also always contribute valuable ideas. While I contribute my part, I really appreciate it when the end result also achieves a certain effect. Be it as an emotion in the faces of the viewers or as a measurable result.

Das ist mein Tick:

Without coffee in the morning, nothing starts.

SEO Expert
Florian Stein
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Florian Stein
SEO Expert

I have been involved in search engine marketing and the dazzling facets associated with it since 2008. Already during my M.A. Business Management studies, I built up a portal series with over 60 portals and 1.5 million users. Afterwards, I founded my own advertising agency and an online portal for best agers and seniors. Since 2013, I have been shaping the positive development of 120 companies in Germany and Switzerland so far. It's a huge adventure, with exciting stories and brilliant surprises!

Was ich an meinem Job bei youstream liebe:

Every project has its chance to become something very special. This freedom to create something with my skills and make it successful is what drives me! I love to build small companies or projects that show the big ones that you can be more successful with clever decisions! Because in the online market, it's not the big ones that eat the small ones, but the fast ones that eat the slow ones. Get in the fast lane with me and step on the gas!

Das ist mein Tick:

Play hard, work harder …

Founder & Managing Director
Adrian Sandmeier
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Adrian Sandmeier
Founder & Managing Director

After my apprenticeship as a technical businessman, I pursued my true passion and trained in the disciplines of script writing, dialogue design, lighting design as well as film styles. This was followed by a 7-year employment at Swiss Television in video technology. In 2008, I realised my long-awaited dream and founded youstream.

Was ich an meinem Job bei youstream liebe:

I love challenges, even if it seems impossible at the beginning. With our different ideas, expertise and perspectives, it comes together as a whole.

Whether it's a challenging video project or a well thought-out video strategy, we achieve peak performance because everyone is pulling in the same direction. That's what makes my work here really great.

Das ist mein Tick:

I drink yerba mate every day.

Geschäftsführer & Inhaber
Yannick Scherer
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Yannick Scherer
Geschäftsführer & Inhaber
Während meiner Matur wurde mir bewusst, dass ich eine kreative Berufung anstreben möchte. Nach ein paar Jahren als Videograf, wagte ich die Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit und somit rückte mein Ziel näher. In dieser Zeit lernte ich, dass mich gut erzählte Stories und Inhalte packen und inspirieren. Als Teil meiner Generation, Gen Z, wurde ich mit Social Media und einer digitalen Präsenz schon früh konfrontiert. Im September 2024 übernahm ich das Unternehmen von Adrian und lebe somit meinen Traum.


Was ich an meinem Job bei youstream liebe:

Video Marketing fasziniert mich immer wieder aufs Neue. Film ist wohl das kollaborativste Medium, das es gibt. Den Prozess von Anfang bis Ende mit gleichgesinnten Kreativen und Marketern durchzuführen, erfreut mich tagtäglich.

Im Mittelpunkt steht die Story und deren Emotionen, sie sind was Videos so erfolgreich machen.

Das ist mein Tick:

Wenn ich konzentriert bin, trommle ich oft den Beat eines Songs mit meinen Fingern.

Working with us 

We are there for you, personally and on site – in Bern or Basel, Lucerne or Zurich. Direct collaboration and transparent exchange are important to us, because our goal is ambitious: we want to produce high-quality video and market it to the right group of recipients. Thanks to well-rehearsed workflows, high-quality technology and many years of experience, we can surprise our customers time and again: with videos that are even better than expected and a marketing strategy that quickly delivers convincing results. Take advantage of our vast regional know-how in the Swiss market to position your company here in the best possible way!
Vorbereitungen vor dem Dreh

About us - youstream GmbH

youstream mission

To make your company more successful with videos. That is our mission. Your company becomes more visible with video. We increase conversion in a targeted manner throughout your entire customer journey.

This is how it works. It all starts with a good briefing.

  • What is the goal.
  • Who is the target group.
  • What does the customer journey look like.
  • What is the message.
  • What is the creative implementation.

From this comes the strategy, which takes into account not only the production but also the distribution. Because a video production is ineffective, without visibility and without conversion.

We also recommend the analysis of the activities. This is the only way to better understand your target audience and yourself in the long run. This is how we can make ourselves unbeatable in the long run.

Our values


Only with honesty and authenticity will you win the trust of your customers.


Stories make you memorable; and we know how to tell them.

Added value

Our videos convey content that is relevant to your customers.


A clear message is the best way to reach people.

Contact partner on site

We at youstream are directly on-site for our customers in Switzerland. No matter if you are located in Zurich, Bern, Basel or Lucerne – in us you will find a regional contact person. We will be with you quickly for discussions, filming or other concerns and will look after you personally.

Use our regional know-how of the Swiss market to present your company with a video that also reaches your target group. You can also rely on our local knowledge for effective video marketing.

Adrian Sandmeier
Founder of Youstream
"I'm happy to support you with all your video and video marketing needs"
In it from the start - online experience since YouTube
Honest, fair and transparent
Free initial consultation
bestseller in
video marketing
4,9 / 5 stars on Google
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